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Warbixin Faahfaahasan Shirkii ilaa Caawa u Socday Hogaamiyayaasha Ergooyinka Somalida
(Mawliid Macaani oo Shirgudoon ka noqday, Gudi Somali ah oo la talinta shirka ah oo La diiday, qaar ka mid ah magacyadooda... Deeroow iyo Xasan oo isku qabsaday gudaha qolka shirka 10 daqiiqo oo banaanka loo siiyay)

Markii hogaamiyayaasha ergooyinka shirku isugu yimaadeen Hotel Sirigwa, shirkaas hogaamiyayaasha ayaa iska dhexdoortay inay hagaan shirka maanta qaar ka mid ah madaxda Somalida, Mawliid Macaane ayaa gudoomiyaha shirka maanta loo doortay halka danjire Cabdullaahi Shiikh Ismaciil iyo Maxamed Sayid iyagana ku xigeeno ay u ahaayeen kuwaas oo shirka maanta hadalka u qaybinayay.

Shirka waxaa lagaga doodayay isla labadii qoraal ee la soo hordhigay ergooyinka iyadoo markaas galabnimadii la isku soo noqday mar kale, waxaana la soo hormariyay oo laga dooday qoraalka ku sabsanaa sidda shirka loo hagayo, qodobkiisii ugu horeeyay ayaana la isku qabtay qodobkaas oo ka hadlayay ka qaybgalaasha shirku kuwa ay yihiin, iyadoo ragii ka socday maamulka Carta ay dalbadeen in lagu cadeeyo qoraalka oo la layirahdo ururada Somaliya ka jira iyo Dawlada ku meel gaarka ah (DKMG ah) qodobkaas ayaa la isku afgaran waayay, markii kooxda DKMG ahi ku adkaysatay teeda dhinacyada kalana ku diideen.

Madaxda ergooyinka ayaa haddana la soo hordhigay si ay u ogolaadaan warqad ay ku qoran yihiin 17 qof oo lagu magacaabay la taliyayaalka shirka, 17 qof ee warqadaas ku qornaa waxaa ka mid ahaa dad lagu tirinayo inay dhinac ka tirsan yihiin, dadka war qada ku qornaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Caasho Cilmi oo iyadu xubin ka ah baarlamanka Carta, Idiris Xasan Diiriye oo ahaa afhayeenkii dawlada Cabdiqaasim, Cumar Carte Qaalib oo Ras'iisal wasaare u noqday dawladii Cali Mahdi laguna eedeeyo inuu qayb weyn ku lahaa bilowga dagaalka sokeeya, Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaani oo la taliye sare ka ahaa shirkii Carta, waxaa kaloo ka mid ahaa Cabdirisaq Xaaji Xuseen iyo Maxamed Aaden Shiikh iyo xubno kale, kooxdaas la taliyayaasha lagu magacaabay ayaa madaxda ergooyinku wada diideen.

Diidmada gudigaan ayaa muran ka dhex dhaliyay Cabdalle Deeroow iyo Xasan Abshir Farax ka dib markii Cabdalle Deeroow diiday gudiga la talinta lagu magacaabay diidmada Cabdale Deeroow waxaa ka hor yimid Xasan lakiin cabdalle Deeroow ayaa sheegay inuu isagu go'aanka lee yahay oo uu yahay ninka hogaaminaya ergada Carta, Xasan ayaa dalbaday in la siiyo 10 daqiiqo oo ay si gaara u wada hadlaan isaga iyo ragiisa oo uu ku jiro Cabdalle Deeroow, warar ku dhawdhaw dhinacooda ayaa sheegaya in ay lala xiriiren Cabdiqaasim, waxay la soonoqdeen Xasan iyo Deeroow in ay ogolaadeen gudiga la taliyayaasha lagu magacaabay waxse laga badali karo xubnaha ka mid ah lakiin waxaa gabi ahaanba diiday dhinacyada kale sidaas ayaana lagu diiday gudiga la taliyaayaasha lagu magacaabay.

Qodobada kale ayay u balameen inay barito sii wadaan, dhamaadkii shirka ayaa Xasan Abshir damcay inuu hadlo balse Mawliid Macaani ayaa u sheegay inuu isagu yahay maanta gudoomiyihii shirka, shirkuna wuu xiran yahay Xasana yiri intaad hadli kartay waad hadashay shirkuna waa xiran yahay.

AllPuntland News

SOMALIA: Feature - Peace talks: the alternative voice

ELDORET, 23 Oct 2002 (IRIN) - As warlords, faction leaders, members of the Transitional National Government and others gather in the western Kenyan town of Eldoret for "make-or-break" peace talks, a small group of "alternative" invitees is slowly making its voice heard.


The Somali national reconciliation conference opened on 15 October after months of wrangling and delays. Confused mediation by the regional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and disagreements between Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya - the technical committee members set up to pave the way for the meeting - led to the repeated postponement of the talks, originally slated for April this year.

But warnings by the IGAD organisers that this was the last chance and there would be no further postponements finally brought many of the opposing sides together. As the talks progressed, more faction leaders who originally said they would not attend, started arriving in the Kenyan highland town. Hopes were raised that the conference might achieve something where numerous prior attempts had failed.

Leading the chorus of voices for peace and change are representatives of civil society organisations invited to attend the talks. They comprise women’s groups, human rights groups, traditional elders and religious leaders – many of whom stress their non-partisan characteristics.

Hirsi Hurre Du'ale, better known as Calanside (flag bearer), is described by many Somalis as the "only true patriot left in Somalia". Originally from Burao in the self-declared republic of Somaliland, he dismisses the notion of separate states within Somalia, and advocates a federal administration with a strong central government.

Calanside - who was an active member of the independence movement, the Somali Youth League (SYL) - was invited to the talks as a respected Somali elder, an independent thinker. "I am one of the few Somali people who has left his clan behind," he says, alluding to the clan-based nature of Somali society. "I am a Somali nationalist. This clan mentality must be crushed."

He strongly believes that the way to bring Somalis together is to instil nationalist values into them, and this, he says, can be achieved by reminding them of their traditional culture.

"I want to show them the Somali nationalist is still alive, so I always carry the Somali flag and the SYL uniform, and always I sing Somali national songs," he says. "I want Somalis to remember themselves as they were before, not what they are now."

He thinks the nationalist mentality is in the heart of many of his countrymen, but they are too afraid of their clans to expose it.

Calanside notes that Somalia was always a clan-based society, with fights over water and land. But the problem of clans spiralled out of control after independence in 1960. The Italian colonialists favoured ‘pro-Italians’ over nationalists when it came to handing over the administration at independence, and this started creating deep divisions. The problem worsened after Muhammad Siyad Barre came to power in a 1969 coup, and injustice and nepotism became the order of the day, says Calanside.

"The civil war [triggered by Barre’s ouster in 1991] came when everyone was ready to explode, and they did," he adds.

Calanside advocates inculcating a true sense of ‘Somali-ism’ into his countrymen through national songs and culture. "We should use traditional Somali ways to bring Somalis together," he says.

But he does acknowledge that this will take time. "People are so far gone," he notes sadly.



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