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Wakiilka Gaarka ah ee Mudane Muuse Suudi Yalahow oo sheegay inayan ka qeyb gali doonin shirka Kenya Haddii Dawlada Carta sheegato Dawladnimo.

Sii deyn deg-deg ah
October 6, 2002

Warsaxafadeed uu soo saaray Wakiilka Gaarka ah ee Mudane Muse Sudi Yalahow, Guddoomiyaha USC/SSA ee Waqooyiga Ameerika (USA & Canada) iyo UN-ka isla makaasna ah Af-hayeenka Ururka ayaa ku caddeey Warsaxafadeed mowqifka Muddullood ee shirka did u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ee ka dici doona dalka Kenya.
"Marnaba kama soo qeyb-galeyno shirka haddii kooxda Carte ay ku adkeysato ineey ka soo qeyb-galeyso ayadoo dawladnimo aan jirin sheeganeyso. Carte uma aqoonsanin dawladnimo oo waa koox shir ku nool ah oo aan cidna matalin; Deggaano ama Gobollo ay ka soo jeedaan aan la garaneyn ee shandadooda dharka ku wata, deggana hoteelo. Kuwa Carte isku biirsaday waa ineey beelahooda iyo deggaanada ay u dhasheen iska soo sharaxaan; laakin ma ahin qolo Xamar u soo shaqa tagtay ineey dhahaan Soomaaliya ayaan matalna", ayuu yiri Dr. Culusow.

"Shaki kuma jiro in Carte ay dhimatay; laakin ay isticmaali doonaan aqoonsi mala awaal ah si ay u hor-istaagaan xal u raadinta dhibaatada jirta iyo nabad waarta ee ka aslaxda Soommaaliya. Haddaba, UN-ta, OAU, iyo IGAD waa ineey u sheegaan marnaba ineey kooxda Carte isku dayin ineey caqabo ku noqdaan dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed", ayuu yiri Dr. Culusow

"Waxaa lama huraan ah shirka ka hor in marka hore ay is arkaan hogaamiyayaasha SRRC si ay aragti mideysan uga qaataan ka qeybgalka shirkaas; waxaana dowladda Itoobiya ka codsaneyna in ay ka shaqeyso sida ugu dhaqsaha badan isu keenista xubnaha golaha SRRC-da inta uusan qabsoomin shirka", ayuu yiri Dr. Culusow.

"Waxaa nala habboon mar haddii bisha barakeysan ee soonka ay food nagu soo hayso, oo noolaga baahan yahay inaan wada gudano, mar haddii ay tahay waajib diini ah ee Soomaalida saaran in shirka Kenya dib loo dhigo; lana qabto bisha Barakeysan ee Ramadaan marka ay dhammaato", ayuu yiri Dr. Culusow.

"Waxaa ka mid ah talooyinka leysla dhexmarayo in shirka ay ka soo qeyb-galaan qolooyin lagu magaacay 'ururada bulshada' oo ah kuwa qabiil ku saleysan oo saan la socono ah kuwi horay kooxda Carte wax ka soo dhisay. Mar haddii ayna caddeyn kaalintooda waxa ay noqoneyso shirkan, la talin ama wax doorasho (oo aan diidanahay) oo ay dhici karto in misaanka ay dhan u badiyaan, waxaa haboon inaan shirka laga soo qeyb-gelin haddii kale waa in loo oggolaada hoggaamiyaasha ayagana ineey keensadaan ururada bulshada ee beelahooda,", ayuu yiri Dr. Culusow.

Dr. Cabdi Maxamed Culusow, Af-hayeenka
USC/SSA ee Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo UN-ka

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on Somalia

Brussels, 4 October 2002
12626/02 (Presse 300)

The EU unequivocally supports the IGAD sponsored peace and reconciliation process for Somalia, in line with the European Union Council Conclusions of 22 July 2002. There is an urgent need to resolve the crisis and stop the violence. The IGAD sponsored peace and reconciliation process due to begin on 15 October in Eldoret, Kenya, is the one forum where all involved parties can work together to establish a platform for peace and reconciliation. Because of the wide regional and international support that it enjoys, the Eldoret Conference is a crucial opportunity for resolving the conflict in Somalia and for putting an end to the untold sufferings of the Somali people. The EU appeals to all Somali parties not to miss this opportunity.

The EU recognizes the crucial role played by the IGAD Technical Committee comprised of the three frontline states Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti and headed by Ambassador Mwangale of Kenya in laying the foundations for the IGAD sponsored peace and reconciliation process. Their work in seeking the backing of all parties in accordance with the framework established by IGAD is vital for the prospects of success. It is important that this backing behind a single framework is firmly maintained throughout the process. The EU appeals to all parties to actively support the IGAD sponsored peace and reconciliation process, to work constructively to make it work and to strive to overcome all obstacles that present themselves along the way. The important thing is that the conference in Eldoret becomes a firm first step in a peace and reconciliation process that aims at progressively building consensus among the parties.

The EU is ready to support the process in any way possible and appropriate. The EU also reiterates its willingness to give full support for the implementation of a possible peace and reconciliation agreement.
The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.



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