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 President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

Halkan ka daawo khudbadda Bush
Halkan ka dhegeyso khudbadaa Bush

6:05 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Thank you all for coming. I'm honored to welcome such a distinguished group of ambassadors and American citizens to the White House to help usher in the holy month of Ramadan.

Islam is a religion that brings hope and comfort to more than a billion people around the world. It has made brothers and sisters of every race. It has given birth to a rich culture of learning and literature and science. Tonight we honor the traditions of a great faith by hosting this Iftaar at the White House.

I'm honored that our great Secretary of State is with us today. Mr. Secretary, thank you for being here. I appreciate Your Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Zayed of the United Arab Emirates, for coming. I want to thank members of my administration who are here -- in particular, Dr. Elias Zerhouni, who's the Director of the National Institute of Health. I want to thank all the ambassadors who are here -- it's good to see you all again. And the other representatives from the Organization of Islamic Conference. I appreciate so very much my fellow Americans here, many from the Muslim community.

Ramadan is a special time of prayer and fasting, contemplation of God's greatness, and service to those in need. According to Muslim teachings, this season commemorates the revelation of God's word in the holy Koran to the prophet Muhammad. Today this word inspires faithful Muslims to lead lives of honesty and integrity and compassion.

In hosting tonight's Iftaar, I send a message to all the nations represented by their ambassadors here tonight: America treasures your friendship. America honors your faith.

We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves.

Tonight's Iftaar also sends a message to all Americans: our nation is waging a war on a radical network of terrorists, not on a religion and not on a civilization. If we wage this war to defend our principles, we must live up to those principles, ourselves. And one of the deepest commitments of America is tolerance. No one should be treated unkindly because of the color of their skin or the content of their creed. No one should be unfairly judged by appearance or ethnic background, or religious faith. We must uphold these values of progress and pluralism and tolerance.

George Washington said that America gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. This was our policy at our nation's founding; this is our policy today. America rejects all forms of religious intolerance. America grieves with all the victims of religious bigotry. And America opposes all who commit evil in God's name.

Ramadan and the upcoming holiday seasons are a good time to remember the ties of friendship and respect that bind us together. Learning from each other we can build bridges of mutual trust and understanding. Working together we can create a better future for people of all faiths.

I thank you for coming to the White House this evening. I wish you all a blessed Ramadan. God bless. (Applause.)

END 6:09 P.M. EST

Ciidamada Shaati-Gaduud iyo kuwa Aadan Madoobe la kala dajiyay Yool guduud iyo Daynuunaay..;

Baydhabo: Wararka ka imaanaya xarunta gobolka Baay ee Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in dadaaal ay baryahaaanba wadeen odayaasha, ganacsatada iyo wax garadka beelah Digil iyo Mirifle ay ku guulaysteen inay nabad ka aslaaxiyaan dhinacyada isku haya gacan ku haynta gobolada Bay iyo Bokool oo ah Xasan Maxamed Nuur (Shaati Guduud) iyo labadiiisa ku xigeen ee xagga RRA-da Shiikh Aaden Madoobe iyo Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade.

Ciidamada taageera Shiikh Aadan Madoobe ayaa maanta la dajiyay halka loo yaqaan Yool guduud ayadoo ciidamada taageera Shaati guduudna la dajiyay halka loo yaqaan Daynuunaay .

Xabad joojintaan iyo heshiisiinta ay odoyashu ka dhex wadaan labada dhinac ayaa haddii ay si guula ku waarto soo afjaraysa dagaalo ay ku dhinteen tiro badan oo dad ah, gaystayna waxyeelo dhaawac dad iyo burbur hanti ah.

Dagaalada labada dhinac oo qarxay bilowgii June 2002 ayaa salka ku hayay loolan xaga awooda ah oo ka dhex oogmay hogaanka sare ee RRA-da bilowgii sannadkaan, mana muuqan labada dhinac mid guul muuqata ka gaaray dagaalkaan iyadoo marba mid laga cayrsanayay magaalada xaruntu u ah ee Baydhabo.


Tartanka Ciyaaraha Koobka Ramadaan oo Ka Socda Boosaaso

Boosaaso: Tartanka Kubbada Cagta ee Koobka Ramadan oo 5-tii bishaan ka bilowday Puntland ayaa qaybtiisa kooxaha gobolka Bari oo isku arkayay Boosaaso waxaa uu si xiiso leh uga socdaa garoonka kubbada Cagta ee Boosaso, ciyaaraha oo la ciyaaro maalin kasta ayaa saddexdii maalmood ee ugu dambeeyay waxa ay natiijadii ciyaaruhu noqotay sidaan

10/11/2002 Waxaa wada Ciyaaray Naadiga Howlaha Guud iyo kan Dowlada Hoose waxaana 1 iyo waxba ku badiyay Naadiga Hawlaha guud.

11/11/2002 waxaa is helay Naadiga Iftin iyo Maaliyada, ciyaartaan waxaa 4 loo xambariyay naadiga maaliyada oo isagu aan hal goolna shabaqa kooxda Iftiin taabsiin, waxaana guushii la hoyatay Naadiga Iftiin.

Maanta waxa wada ciyaaray Naadiga Darawiishta iyo kan Dekedaha, Naadiga Dekedaha ayaa 1 iyo Eber ku diray Daraawiishta.

Guud ahaan natiijada ciyaarahaan iyo dhibacaha kooxuhu ilaa hadda kala lee yihiin waxaan idiinku soo gudbin doonaa wararkayaga dambe haddii ALLE idmo.

Waxaa soo uruuriyay

Fuaad Mire.


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