Wararka Mudugonline

Shirkii Somalida oo burbur ku dhow.

Eldoret, 12 Dec 2002 (MOL) - Shirkii dib u heshiisiinta Somalida ayaa arintiisi Cirka isku shareertay iyadoo hadda gabi ahaanba wax horumar ah laga sameyn shirka sidii uu u furmay wajigii labaad ee shirki laba asbuuc ka hor. Wararka ka imaanaya Maanta madasha shirka ayaa sheegaya in ay goobta shirka ka jirto jaahwareer iyo qas aan la garanayn si loo maareeyo iyo cidda wada toona. Sida uu Talaadadii u sheegay RadioGalkacyo Mudane Cawad Casharo oo ah wasiirka Cadaalada Iyo diinta ee Dawlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa shirka waxaa isugu darmay Maamul xumo ka imaanaysa gudiga qabanqaabada iyo Kooxo u yimid shirka inay burburiyaan oo dan ka lahayn in Somaliya Dawlad loo dhan yahay u dhalato.

Caqabada ugu weyn ayaa noqotay kordhinta ergada shirka oo gudiga qabanqaabdu wax ka badalaan markii ay qaylodhaanshaan qabqablayaasha Muqdishu. Horey ayaa marar badan loo kordhiyay tirada gudiyada iyadoo lagu maslaxayo qabqablayaasha Muqdishu qaarkood, gudiga qabanqaabada ayaanba garanayn qayaanada iyo jilaafada ula kaca ah ee qabqablayaasha dagaalku ku carqaldaynayaan shirka, dibu dhaca hadda jira ayaa waxaa keenay ka dib markii gudiga qaban qaabadu sheegeen in dadka korjoogtada shirka ay ku noqdoon wadankii taas oo isla markiiba ay ka horyimaadeen kooxaha siyaasada Muqdishu, waxaa kaloo gudiga qabanqaabdu gaarsiiyeen tiradii ergada shirka illaa 280 halka markii hore ay ahayd 138 arintaasna waxay keentay fawdo joogto ah iyo inaan wax xushmada loo hayn gudiga oo markii qabqable dagaal qayliyaba wax ka badalaya tirada ergada.. rajada shirka ayaa aad u yar hadda, Dawlada Kenya oo iyadu martigalisay shirka ayaa waxay ku mashquulsan tahay doorashooyin taas oo keentay in shirku uusan ka helin culays siyaasadeed wadanka Kenya.


Faaqidaada RadioGalkacyo

Waxaa ka mida Faaqidaada wararka RadioGalkayo:

Faqidaada RadioGalkayo (Dec11)
RG Director Burhan's Interview with Garaad Ali Buraale Hassan of Sool region, Puntland State of Somalia

Plus reports from Radio Galkayo reporters:Canab Jama Omar, Fawsiya Mohamud Osman and Mohamed Yaasin Isxaaq.

Iyo Maanta iyo Faaqiaada RG............

Iyo qodobo kale halkaan ka dhagayso http://www.radiogalkayo.com/audioclips.html

SOMALIA: Urgent measures needed to save peace talks, says repor

NAIROBI, 12 Dec 2002 (IRIN) - Urgent measures needed to save peace talks, says report

The Eldoret peace process represents Somalia's best chance for peace in many years, but still faces considerable difficulties, says a report released this week by the Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG).

Based on a number of visits to Eldoret in November, the ICG calls for urgent measures to save the peace process from what it describes as the verge of collapse.

The report urges visible and sustained international political support for the conference, including willingness to enforce the arms embargo and to impose sanctions on faction leaders who hinder the peace process. It says that rivalries between regional powers will have to be addressed, and that conference management must be improved.

The talks are taking place under the auspices of the regional body Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD). Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia make up the IGAD technical committee which is piloting the talks under Kenyan chairmanship.

The conference has now moved into its second phase, involving the work of six technical committees on core issues such as federalism, disarmament and property rights. Informed sources told IRIN that the technical committees had held meetings earlier this week but that the committees lacked a quorum as wrangling continued over the allocation of seats.

A number of participating groups have complained not only about seat allocation on the committees, but also about the management of the conference. They accuse the IGAD technical committee of continually shifting the goalposts.

The conference was suspended for four days on Wednesday, owing to a Kenyan public holiday on Thursday. It is due to resume on Monday.


ICG Report


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